8 Benefits of Cucumbers For Healt

1. Can prevent inflammation 
Consuming cucumbers are very effective in preventing inflammation, how can consume directly or used as a mixture of syrup or juice made with fruit other. 

2. Cucumbers can aid digestion 
For those of you who are having problems with digestion or constipation, eating cucumber can be the perfect solution to your digestive system. This is because, cucumber contains natural fiber which is very nutritious and can provide cooling effect to relieve heartburn or stomach pain. 

3. Can help cure lung disease, intestinal worms and arthritis 
Consuming cucumbers regularly proved very efficacious in helping the healing period for those suffering from lung diseases, intestinal worms and arthritis. 

4. Prevent dehydration and increase endurance   
Cucumbers are rich in water content of its reaching 95%, so it is very effective in preventing dehydration and helps the body get rid of toxins in the body. In addition, its vitamin C content is able to ward off viruses and bacteria that can cause disease, so that the immune system will remain intact. 

5. Lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol in the body 
Drinking cucumber juice regularly can meet a hormone that is needed by the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin in the body. Hormones are able to control sugar levels in the blood for a person suffering from diabetes. In addition, its sterol compounds may help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. 

6. Reduce high blood pressure
For those of you who have problems with high blood pressure (hypertension), drinking cucumber juice is the right solution to help lower blood pressure. This is because, cucumber contains potassium, magnesium and natural fibers that have proven efficacy. 

7. Beneficial for skin beauty 
For beauty care such as smoothing the skin, eliminate acne, oily skin cope and overcome the problem of hair health. This is because, cucumber is rich in nutrients and minerals that are needed by our skin and hair. 

8. Treat myopic eye disease 
Treat eye diseases such as myopic eye. The trick is easy enough to put cucumber slices on the top of the brow and let stand about 15 minutes. Perform routine every day. So gradually your eyes will clearly back in look. With cucumber diletakannya above the eyebrows it will fix the nerves that connect to the eye.

Side Effects Excessive consumption of Cucumbers For those of you who want to try the efficacy of this cucumber fruit, it is advisable to avoid excessive. Because of the side effects of cucumbers if the use or consume excessively can cause side effects such as experiencing baldness or toxicity caused by the chemical contents of cucumber. So that I can convey information about the benefits of cucumber both for health and also benefits for beauty, may be useful.
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